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Welding Engineer
Education Level: Bachelor’s degree or above Working Experience: Medical equipment welding experience is preferred.
Salary: Working Place: 6 Chiwan 1Road ,Nanshan District,Shenzhen,China
Issuance Date: 2010-03-03 Expiry Date: One month
Job Description:
Job Requirements:
1、Bachelor’s degree or above, major in mechanical engineering,over 25 years old.
2、Good English and familiar with Microsoft Office and Pro-E.
3、Medical equipment welding experience is preferred.
4、Must understand how to calculate welding cost, design appropriate method of welding process, which able to fulfill products’ functional and technical requirement.
5、Normal Vision,no color-blind, willing to travel frequently.
6、Excellent communication skill and able to communication with suppliers. Let the supplier understand the technical requirements and provide technical support. (what is materials requirement and welding procedures etc)
Linkman:Miss Li

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